
General Garden 

The General gardens area is for those who want to share in the planting, weeding and harvesting responsibilities. Each family who purchases a ticket will find it mandatory to register for times to follow a checklist on weekly responsibilities of weeding. The harvest time will be scheduled in advance and those who have tickets in the General garden will be able to meet during the disclosed times to harvest their food. The cost is $10.00 per family. The following seeds will be planted:
Tomatoes (Beefsteak and Cherry)
Watermelon (Crimson Sweet)

FYI: All of the Corn (Serendipidy) for both Single Plot and Generals will be planting in one separate section since they need to be by each other to germinate. 
After the tickets close on sale, each ticket holder will be emailed with time/dates to meet for trainings on planting and weeding that are still TBD. 

Single Plot Garden 

A Single Plot can be purchased by a family. The plot size will be approximately 10’ x 10’. The ticket price will cover the cost of the plot, tilling before planting, seeds, family sign, watering and usage of tools. Families will be responsible for planting, weeding and keeping their family plot clean from debris and excessive weeds. The price is $10.00 and there is a limit of 1 plot per family. The following seeds are offered: 
Beet (Detroit Dk Red)
Bell Peppers
Carrots (Scarlet Nantes)
Cucumbers (Sweeter Yet)
Lettuce (Salad Bowl Green)
Onion (Candy, green, white)
Peas (Lincoln)
Pumpkins (Sugar and/or Jack-o-Lantern)
Radish (Easter Egg Blend)
Red Potatoes
Squash (Waltham Butternut)
Tomatoes (Beefsteak and/or Cherry)
Watermelon (Crimson Sweet)

Single Plot owners can purchase and plant their own seeds if other vegetables are desired. After the tickets close on sale, each ticket holder will be emailed a list of seeds to mark and return so the appropriate amount of seeds can be prepared. There will be trainings on planting and weeding that are still TBD.
FYI: All of the Corn (Serendipidy) will be offered for both Single Plot and Generals and will be planting in one separate section since they need to be by each other to germinate.